Advanced styling in pandas

How to make your dataframes look pretty!


Joram Mutenge


July 30, 2024

I am a sucker for visually appealing things, and I try as much as I can to embody that in my data analysis work. In this article, I’ll show you how you can style your pandas dataframes to make them look pretty and enhance their message.

A highly styled dataframe

Why care about styling?

Styling allows you to change the look of the data in your dataframe columns while maintaining the data types. This enables you to perform mathematical operations on columns that may otherwise contain strings-like symbols like % and $.

The most common and straightforward example of styling is using currency symbols when working with monetary values. For instance, when you have 95.05, you likely won’t immediately understand it as a monetary amount. By contrast, when you see it as $95.05, the first thing that will come to your mind is that this is a monetary amount.

Percentages are another example of numbers whose message is enhanced when styling is used. Interpreting 7 percent is easier when it’s written as 7% than when it’s written as 0.07.

Pandas styling enhances the message of the values in your dataframe, making it easier for your audience to understand the message of those values. More importantly, it doesn’t change the data types of those values allowing you to perform mathematical operations on them.

The dataset

The dataset for this task will be the 2018 sales data for various companies in the United States.

import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path

df = (pd.read_parquet(f"{Path('../../../')}/datasets/sales_total_2018.parquet")
 .rename(columns=lambda col: col.replace(' ', '_'))
account_number name sku quantity unit_price ext_price date
1480 146832 Kiehn-Spinka S1-82801 26 85.589996 2225.340088 2018-12-25 03:48:04
724 239344 Stokes LLC S2-78676 36 78.309998 2819.159912 2018-06-20 06:50:52
141 239344 Stokes LLC S1-47412 44 78.910004 3472.040039 2018-02-02 19:58:26
1102 412290 Jerde-Hilpert S1-47412 45 64.470001 2901.149902 2018-09-22 08:15:36
65 218895 Kulas Inc S1-93683 43 21.719999 933.960022 2018-01-17 16:18:29
1428 412290 Jerde-Hilpert B1-53636 27 29.750000 803.250000 2018-12-12 16:30:07

Let’s extract summary statistics like the mean (average) and sum of the price data for the six random companies in our dataset. I’ll usegroupbyand agg methods to achieve this.

sum mean
Jerde-Hilpert 112591.429688 1265.072266
Koepp Ltd 103660.539062 1264.152954
Keeling LLC 100934.296875 1363.976929
Stokes LLC 91535.921875 1271.332275
Barton LLC 109438.500000 1334.615845
Kassulke, Ondricka and Metz 86451.070312 1350.797974

Styling the dataframe

When you look at the data in the above dataframe, you notice that the summed values are significantly larger, and the averaged values have 6 decimal points. This makes it harder to understand the scale of the numbers, and the table isn’t aesthetically pleasing.

To solve these problems, we turn to style which converts the table from a pandas dataframe to a style object. The style object is not as rigid as a pandas dataframe, in that you can use format to change the look of its values.

I’ll use Python’s f-strings to convert the data into currency values and round them to 2 decimal places. If I wanted to round to a whole number (0 decimal places), I would’ve used this f-string ${0:,.0f}.

  sum mean
Frami, Hills and Schmidt $103,569.59 $1,438.47
Sanford and Sons $98,822.98 $1,391.87
Koepp Ltd $103,660.54 $1,264.15
Will LLC $104,437.60 $1,411.32
Stokes LLC $91,535.92 $1,271.33
Pollich LLC $87,347.18 $1,196.54

More styling

Let’s take our styling up a notch and deal with dates. I’ll use pd.Grouper to get the total sales for each month. Then I’ll calculate how much each month is as a percentage of the total annual sales.

 .groupby(pd.Grouper(key='date', freq='ME'))
 .assign(pct_total=lambda df_: df_.ext_price / df_.ext_price.sum())
sum pct_total
2018-01-31 185361.656250 0.091818
2018-02-28 146211.625000 0.072426
2018-03-31 203921.375000 0.101012
2018-04-30 174574.109375 0.086475
2018-05-31 165418.546875 0.081940
2018-06-30 174089.328125 0.086235
2018-07-31 191662.109375 0.094939
2018-08-31 153778.593750 0.076174
2018-09-30 168443.171875 0.083438
2018-10-31 171495.312500 0.084950
2018-11-30 119961.218750 0.059423
2018-12-31 163867.265625 0.081171

I’m not interested in showing the date in its full format. Once again, I’ll use f-strings to display the date like “Jan-2018” instead of “2018-01-31”. I’ll also add the % symbol to the values in percentage total column. Now, let’s style the date to get the desired dataframe.

 .groupby(pd.Grouper(key='date', freq='ME'))
 .assign(pct_total=lambda df_: df_.ext_price / df_.ext_price.sum())
date sum pct_total
Jan-2018 $185,362 9.18%
Feb-2018 $146,212 7.24%
Mar-2018 $203,921 10.10%
Apr-2018 $174,574 8.65%
May-2018 $165,419 8.19%
Jun-2018 $174,089 8.62%
Jul-2018 $191,662 9.49%
Aug-2018 $153,779 7.62%
Sep-2018 $168,443 8.34%
Oct-2018 $171,495 8.49%
Nov-2018 $119,961 5.94%
Dec-2018 $163,867 8.12%

By the way in addition to using pd.Grouper we can use resample on timeseries data to get an identical dataframe to the one above.

 .assign(pct_total=lambda df_: df_.ext_price / df_.ext_price.sum())
date sum pct_total
Jan-2018 $185,362 9.18%
Feb-2018 $146,212 7.24%
Mar-2018 $203,921 10.10%
Apr-2018 $174,574 8.65%
May-2018 $165,419 8.19%
Jun-2018 $174,089 8.62%
Jul-2018 $191,662 9.49%
Aug-2018 $153,779 7.62%
Sep-2018 $168,443 8.34%
Oct-2018 $171,495 8.49%
Nov-2018 $119,961 5.94%
Dec-2018 $163,867 8.12%

To use resample you must set the date column as the index of your dataframe.

If you have an observant eye, you’ll notice that the above dataframe doesn’t have an index. That’s because use used the hide method. It suppresses the index.

Manipulating the look of your dataframe is useful when developing final output reports. Usually, the index of the dataframe serves no purpose in the final report.

Colors can be useful when directing attention to specific parts of the report like the lowest or highest sales values. Let me highlight the highest and lowest values to see which months had the highest and lowest sales. I’ll use red for the lowest and green for the highest.

 .assign(pct_total=lambda df_: df_.ext_price / df_.ext_price.sum())
 .highlight_max(color='darkgreen', subset=['sum','pct_total'])
 .highlight_min(color='red', subset=['sum','pct_total'])
date sum pct_total
Jan-2018 $185,362 9.18%
Feb-2018 $146,212 7.24%
Mar-2018 $203,921 10.10%
Apr-2018 $174,574 8.65%
May-2018 $165,419 8.19%
Jun-2018 $174,089 8.62%
Jul-2018 $191,662 9.49%
Aug-2018 $153,779 7.62%
Sep-2018 $168,443 8.34%
Oct-2018 $171,495 8.49%
Nov-2018 $119,961 5.94%
Dec-2018 $163,867 8.12%

You can also use background_gradient to highlight the range of values in a column. Let’s do it for the sum column. I’ll use subset to pick the column and cmap to choose a color palette for the gradient.

 .assign(pct_total=lambda df_: df_.ext_price / df_.ext_price.sum())
 .background_gradient(cmap='BuGn', subset='sum')
date sum pct_total
Jan-2018 $185,362 9.18%
Feb-2018 $146,212 7.24%
Mar-2018 $203,921 10.10%
Apr-2018 $174,574 8.65%
May-2018 $165,419 8.19%
Jun-2018 $174,089 8.62%
Jul-2018 $191,662 9.49%
Aug-2018 $153,779 7.62%
Sep-2018 $168,443 8.34%
Oct-2018 $171,495 8.49%
Nov-2018 $119,961 5.94%
Dec-2018 $163,867 8.12%

Another cool thing you can do with styling is draw bar charts within the columns to represent the values.

 .assign(pct_total=lambda df_: df_.ext_price / df_.ext_price.sum())
 .bar(color='#ffa348', vmin=100_000, subset=['sum'], align='zero')
 .bar(color='#c061cb', vmin=0, subset=['pct_total'], align='zero')
 .set_caption('Sales performance (2018)')
Table 1: Sales performance (2018)
date sum pct_total
Jan-2018 $185,362 9.18%
Feb-2018 $146,212 7.24%
Mar-2018 $203,921 10.10%
Apr-2018 $174,574 8.65%
May-2018 $165,419 8.19%
Jun-2018 $174,089 8.62%
Jul-2018 $191,662 9.49%
Aug-2018 $153,779 7.62%
Sep-2018 $168,443 8.34%
Oct-2018 $171,495 8.49%
Nov-2018 $119,961 5.94%
Dec-2018 $163,867 8.12%

In the code above I use bar and some parameters to configure the display of the bars in the columns. Using set_caption allows me to add a title to the table.

Advanced styling

All the styling we’ve done thus far can be exported to Excel and the styling will be reflected in the Excel file. Unfortunately, the advanced styling we’ll do from here won’t be maintained when the file is exported to Excel. Since the styling will involve HTML and CSS features, you can export it as an HTML file and the styling will be maintained.

Let’s create a table that shows the top 10 companies by sales value. Then we’ll get the average and median of their quantity; and average, median, and sum of their ext_price.

To create sparklines, I’ll use the library sparklines and numpy.

from sparklines import sparklines
import numpy as np

# function to create sparklines
def sparkline(x):
    sl = ''.join(sparklines(bins))
    return sl
sparkline.sparklines = 'sparkline'

# apply the function to modify the dataframe
data = (df
 .agg({'quantity': ['mean', 'median', sparkline], 'ext_price': ['mean', 'median', 'sum', sparkline]})

# mapping for renaming
rename_mapping = {
    'quantity': 'Quantity',
    'ext_price': 'Price'

# renaming the levels
data.columns = data.columns.set_levels(
    [rename_mapping.get(item, item) for item in data.columns.levels[0]], level=0

Quantity Price
Stats mean median sparkline mean median sum sparkline
Barton LLC 24.890244 28.0 ▄▄▃▂▃▆▄█▁▄ 1334.615845 1280.640015 109438.500000 █▄▃▆▄▄▁▁▁▁
Cronin, Oberbrunner and Spencer 24.970149 28.0 █▄▁▄▄▇▅▁▄▄ 1339.321655 1123.500000 89734.546875 █▅▅▃▃▃▂▂▁▁
Frami, Hills and Schmidt 26.430556 28.0 ▄▄▁▂▇█▂▂▅▅ 1438.466553 1509.689941 103569.593750 █▅▄▇▅▃▄▁▁▁
Fritsch, Russel and Anderson 26.074074 27.0 ▁▄▇▃▂▂█▃▄▄ 1385.366821 1050.119995 112214.710938 ▇█▃▄▂▂▁▂▁▁
Halvorson, Crona and Champlin 22.137931 19.5 ▇▆▆▇█▁▄▂▄▃ 1206.971680 925.434998 70004.359375 ██▆▅▁▃▂▂▂▂
Herman LLC 24.806452 25.0 ▄▃▅▁▆▄▂▆▃█ 1336.532227 1095.489990 82865.000000 █▅▇▄▅▄▁▃▂▂
Jerde-Hilpert 22.460674 23.0 ▄▄█▁▂▅▃▂▄▃ 1265.072266 906.359985 112591.429688 █▄▅▂▁▂▃▂▂▁
Kassulke, Ondricka and Metz 25.734375 27.5 ▂▂▁▁▂▂▁▅▄█ 1350.797974 951.164978 86451.070312 █▆▆▄▄▃▂▁▁▂
Keeling LLC 24.405405 24.5 ▁▄▇▃▅█▃▄▃▆ 1363.976929 979.824951 100934.296875 ▅█▆▃▄▂▂▁▁▁
Kiehn-Spinka 22.227848 21.0 ▃▂█▂▃▅▄▁▄▁ 1260.870605 894.960022 99608.773438 █▇▄▃▃▂▁▂▁▁

You’ll notice that the table above is multi-column i.e., there are two levels of columns. I’ll add sparklines to the second level of columns. These will be under both quantity and price. I’ll also rename the top columns as Quantity and Price . Then I’ll add a label Stats to show what the second level of columns mean.

Let’s add some HTML and CSS styling to make our table more stunning. I’ll format all the numbers to 2 decimal places. The background color for the header will be purple and I’ll increase the font size for the names of the top columns.

# set the HTML and CSS styles
cell_hover = {  # for row hover use <tr> instead of <td>
    'selector': 'td:hover',
    'props': [('background-color', '#ffffb3')]
index_names = {
    'selector': '.index_name',
    'props': 'font-style: italic; color: darkgrey; font-weight:normal;'
headers = {
    'selector': 'th:not(.index_name)',
    'props': 'background-color: #813d9c; color: white;'

# apply the HTML and CSS styling
 .format({('Quantity', 'mean'): "{:.2f}",
          ('Quantity', 'median'): "{:.2f}",
          ('Price', 'mean'): "{:.2f}",
          ('Price', 'median'): "{:.2f}",
          ('Price', 'sum'): "{:.2f}"})
 .set_table_styles([cell_hover, index_names, headers])
 .set_table_styles([{'selector': 'th.col_heading', 'props': 'text-align: center;'},
                    {'selector': 'th.col_heading.level0', 'props': 'font-size: 2em;'},
                    {'selector': 'td', 'props': 'text-align: center; font-weight: bold;'}], overwrite=False)
Quantity Price
Stats mean median sparkline mean median sum sparkline
Barton LLC 24.89 28.00 ▄▄▃▂▃▆▄█▁▄ 1334.62 1280.64 109438.50 █▄▃▆▄▄▁▁▁▁
Cronin, Oberbrunner and Spencer 24.97 28.00 █▄▁▄▄▇▅▁▄▄ 1339.32 1123.50 89734.55 █▅▅▃▃▃▂▂▁▁
Frami, Hills and Schmidt 26.43 28.00 ▄▄▁▂▇█▂▂▅▅ 1438.47 1509.69 103569.59 █▅▄▇▅▃▄▁▁▁
Fritsch, Russel and Anderson 26.07 27.00 ▁▄▇▃▂▂█▃▄▄ 1385.37 1050.12 112214.71 ▇█▃▄▂▂▁▂▁▁
Halvorson, Crona and Champlin 22.14 19.50 ▇▆▆▇█▁▄▂▄▃ 1206.97 925.43 70004.36 ██▆▅▁▃▂▂▂▂
Herman LLC 24.81 25.00 ▄▃▅▁▆▄▂▆▃█ 1336.53 1095.49 82865.00 █▅▇▄▅▄▁▃▂▂
Jerde-Hilpert 22.46 23.00 ▄▄█▁▂▅▃▂▄▃ 1265.07 906.36 112591.43 █▄▅▂▁▂▃▂▂▁
Kassulke, Ondricka and Metz 25.73 27.50 ▂▂▁▁▂▂▁▅▄█ 1350.80 951.16 86451.07 █▆▆▄▄▃▂▁▁▂
Keeling LLC 24.41 24.50 ▁▄▇▃▅█▃▄▃▆ 1363.98 979.82 100934.30 ▅█▆▃▄▂▂▁▁▁
Kiehn-Spinka 22.23 21.00 ▃▂█▂▃▅▄▁▄▁ 1260.87 894.96 99608.77 █▇▄▃▃▂▁▂▁▁

This is the type of table you would want to display on your website. What’s more, it has cell highlighting when you hover over a cell.

Styling this final table required a lot of work, but I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s nothing short of beautiful. You almost can’t stop looking at it.